
Birthday: February 5th

Horoscope Sign: Aquarius

Years Beauty Industry: 15+ years

List of Accomplishments in Career
Salon Owner
Salon Motivator
Salon Wedding Coordinator
Lead Salon Makeup Artist
Published Artist
Certified Framesi Educator until 2013

Favorite things to do in your free time:
Spend time with family, meditate, yoga, long walks, organizing, getting creative in the kitchen, discovering new restaurants with my husband, watching Disney movies or Friends

Describe your style: T Shirts and stylish gym shoes – comfort with sparkle

Favorite part of being a hair dresser: Connecting with every soul that sits in my chair, being a positive ray of light in their lives while delivering them with beautiful hair

Favorite quote:
“What you think of yourself is a lot more important than what other people think of you.”

“Be infectiously happy and contagiously kind.”

Tuesday 10AM-9PM
Wednesday 1PM-9PM
Friday 9AM-3PM
Saturday 7AM-4PM
